
Child Custody Relocation Cases in Columbus and Central Ohio

There has been a significant increase in child custody relocation cases in Columbus and Central Ohio over the past few years.  This is often due to an increase in social media and internet dating sites, as well as the ease with which one can make contact with past acquaintances via the web—not to mention the number of businesses here transferring employees.

The central question is these cases is:

Can my former spouse take the children and move out of the area or out of State?

Many area child custody and shared parenting plans allocate physical custody 50% and 50% between the parents of a child in the absence of extraordinary factors such as criminal activity, domestic violence, abuse, or addiction.  When custody is shared equally between the parents neither should be able to make the decision to take children and leave the area or the State of Ohio without the Court’s permission to do so or an agreed entry, permitting the same.

However, if one parent elects to take the children anyway it is up to the remaining local parent to take immediate legal action to preserve  the “venue” in child custody relocation cases.  Once the relocating parent reaches their new home, a type of legal clock starts. Questions start arising as to which Court will have jurisdiction over the custody decisions regarding the children.

Legally all of this is quite important.  If an out of State court establishes jurisdiction  a potentially expensive and time consuming legal battle may unfold.  In these situations, the local or remaining Ohio parent must take immediate action to protect his/her rights.  If you hear rumors that the other parent is considering a move, or if you learn that a move is in progress you should contact our offices immediately or call (614) 289-1227.

We can put a stop to the process, retain Ohio jurisdiction so that the issues can be decided here and seek an order for the immediate return of the children or the prevention of the removal of the children.  Our local Courts take a dim view of a parent who takes the children out of the area or out of State without the Court’s permission.

The key to child custody relocation cases in Columbus and Central Ohio is to take immediate action.

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